Anarchist Film Night with CrimethInc: We Are Now + Post Chile

Anarchist Film Night with CrimethInc at OCCII, 23rd July, 20.00. WE ARE NOW (20 min. 2021. English with English subtitles) In the middle of the George Floyd rebellion, Atlanta police kill yet another black man minding his business. Demonstrators–angry, mournful, and hyped–burn it down in his memory and establish a peace center. POST CHILE (30 […]

Postponed! Boekpresentatie Arturo Barea – De slag

Update Fort van Sjakoo:Update because of COVID-19 spread in AmsterdamOur events in the OCCII on October 20th and October 24th are canceled.They may take place on a later moment.The bookshop will stay open on the regular timesTake care! Update OCCII: Due to the guidelines for music venues all our public activities are with reservation, concerts […]