Solidarity doesn’t go into quarantine

In last weeks many of us have been wondering how to pursue political and syndicalist activity. We have already found ourselves taking difficult decisions, whether or not to cancel initiatives, demonstrations, strikes, rallies, assemblies and public meetings, even under the threat of a possible ban by the authorities. What is happening can have a significant […]

[Amsterdam] Italian Antifascist Cinema: Paese Nostro

On June 16, two young men were assaulted in Rome, because they were wearing T-shirts for Piccolo America, a left-wing association which organizes squatting actions to save abandoned cinemas in the capital. They were targeted “because antifascist,” which links the episode to the normalization of violence and intolerance cultivated by the current Italian government and […]

In memoriam Carlo Giuliani, 20-7-2001 * 20-7-2011

10jaar dood, vermoord door de politie in Genua, Italië. In juli 2001, 10 Jaar geleden beleefde de andersglobalisten beweging van Europa in één week haar hoogte- en dieptepunt. Geïnspireerd door de protesten in Seatle in 1999, kwamen honderdduizenden mensen bij elkaar om te vechten tegen de samenkomst van de economische elite van de wereld, de […]