Abolish Frontex info night

Frontex is the European Union’s border agency and is a key actor in enforcing the EU’s deadly border regime. It is responsible for systemic human rights violations through its operations; deportations; and cooperation with repressive regimes in third countries. In the last fifteen years, Frontex has grown in power and budget enormously and it is […]

Info night: Abolish Frontex

Frontex is the European Union’s border agency, a key actor in enforcing the EU’s deadly border regime. It is responsible for systemic human rights violations through its operations; deportations; and cooperation with repressive regimes in third countries. In the last fifteen years, Frontex has grown in power and budget enormously and it is now the […]

[Amersfoort] Herdenking van de 740 mensen als slachtoffer van Frontex acties

Activisten van de Vrije Bond Utrecht en Extinction Rebellion Amersfoort hebben op de Wereldvluchtelingendag bij de Bernard kazerne in Amersfoort 740 mensen herdacht door 740 strepen te krijten bij de toegangsweg van de kazerne. Deze mensen zijn dit jaar tijdens hun vlucht verdronken in de Middellandse Zee. De internationale campagne Abolish Frontex (Frontex afschaffen) heeft […]

Demonstratie: Abolish Frontex!

On the 9th of June at 14.00 we will come together, raise our voices and demand the abolishment of Frontex during a demonstration at Het Huis van Europa (Korte Vijverberg 5) in The Hague. Frontex is the European Union’s border agency and is a key actor in enforcing the EU’s border regime. It is responsible […]