CANCELLED Info-talk about #shutDownCanada

UPDATE: The social part of the anarchist library will be closed during this time of capitalism. Read more HERE. Since beginning of early February a political movement has flourished in Canada known as #shutDownCanada. A different set of large demonstrations and massive blockades have taken place all across Canada, creating huge disturbance in the train […]

A Brief History of Prisoner Resistance and Anti-Prison Struggles in Kanada

Saterday 23th of august at 20:00   in the Anarchist Liberary/Bollox Adres: Eerste Schinkelstraat 14-16 Amsterdam. A comrade from Kanada will visit Amsterdam and she will do a short talk: A Brief History of Prisoner Resistance and Anti-Prison Struggles in Kanada. This presentation will explain the kanadian prison system and how it works as well as […]