Anarchists have always stood up against tyranny and dictatorship. Regardless of the color of the flag, raised by authoritarianism over this or that corner of the planet. So it is not surprising that anarchists are actively involved in the uprising against the dictator Lukashenko in Belarus. From the very first days, with our determination and […]
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Repression Against Anarchists in Belarus
Call for International Solidarity Shared from AnarchistworldwideWE NEED SOLIDARITY! PLEASE DISSEMINATE THIS INFORMATION! On August 12, anarchists Alexander Frantskevich and Akihiro Khanada were detained in Belarus. Frantskevich is a former political prisoner, in 2010-2013 he was imprisoned on charges of attacks on government facilities. The police call him “the leader of the most radical group […]
Presentatie Anarchist Black Cross Belarus
Op zondag 3 juni komen enkele anarchisten van Anarchist Black Cross Belarus een presentatie houden over de huidige situatie in Belarus. On Sunday the 3rd of June there will be a presentation by Anarchist Black Cross Belarus in MKZ in Amsterdam. In de presentatie zullen ze ingaan op het dagelijks leven in Belarus en de problemen van de anarchistische beweging daar. Ook zullen ze vertellen over de repressie tegen anarchisten en hoe ze daarmee om gaan. De MKZ opent de deuren om 14.00 uur en vanaf dan wordt er ook eten geserveerd. De presentatie begint om 16.00 uur. Alle opbrengsten van het eten worden gedoneerd aan ABC Belarus.