
Voorproefje programma 2.Dh5 “Changing the Game”

De eerste helft van de sessies van 2.Dh5 2022 is bekend. Naast deze sessies zullen de komende dagen en weken nog zo’n 15 sessies worden bekend gemaakt. Zodra het tijdschema bekend is laten we het ook weten.

Preview of the “Changing the Game” programme

The first half of the session of 2.Dh5 2022 have been announced. We have 4 English language sessions so far, but give or take 10 more will follow soon.

Become a volunteer

The festival is run by volunteer labour on a shoestring budget. Any help is more than welcome.

We are always looking for people to help out with some practical tasks during the festival-weekend, like provide technical assistance, write reports of the workshops, or help out with video/audio recordings.

— Sign up at

Let us know what you need

In an ideal world 2.Dh5 would be fully accessible to everyone. Sadly this is not possible due tor our limited funds and capacity. Information on the accessibility of the festival can be found on our website.
Nonetheless, if you have any specific access needs, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via and we will do our best to come to a suitable arrangement.

Support the festival with money

As we wrote above: the festival is run by volunteer labour on a shoestring budget. Any help is more than welcome.

You can also help us out financially by sending money to:
NL56 SNSB 09 79 65 67 61 for Zwart Zaad, Utrecht mentioning in the description: 2.Dh5 Festival.

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