[Utrecht] AKSIE-café #4

ACUVoorstraat 71

[Utrecht] AKSIE-café #4

Are you also fed up with neoliberalism and climate change? Does the rise of the far-right also makes you anxious? Do you want to do something about it, but you don’t know how? Then, come to the AKSIE-café (ACTION-café) in Utrecht! During this afternoon, we will be discussing the struggles of our time and above all: how you can change the direction this world is heading to!

Het X-Y Actiefonds (the X-Y Actionfund) is an independent fund and has been supporting social movements and action groups around the world for more than 50 years. By organising a monthly AKSIE-café, het Actiefonds wants to inform people how to join a movement or a collective. We invite several action groups and collectives to give a small presentation about what they stand for and which support they need, followed by a moment for the audience to ask questions.

This AKSIE-café will be organised in collaboration with the Barricade and focusing on action groups and collectives in Utrecht that make a weekly, or even a daily difference for vulnerable groups in the city. Get to know them and see how you can support!


Book Café ‘The Barricade’, ACU
Voorstraat 71


Sunday 21 April, 17.30

Het X-Y Actiefonds

Het X-Y Actiefonds believes in the power of people to be the start of change themselves. Every great social transformation starts with brave individuals who take the first steps along the road to change. These are ordinary people who stand up in their communities, encourage bystanders and work together with them in the struggle for a fair, just, sustainable and tolerant world.

Bottom-up change

Within the vision of Het X-Y Actiefonds, problems can best be approached ‘bottom-up’. Local activists and grassroots organisations know best what is the most effective way to realize their goals and how to give these unheard people a voice. Het X-Y Actiefonds is proud to support these change-makers in their struggles.

Grassroots groups

Het X-Y Actiefonds primarily supports groups that stand at the beginning of their struggles. Often, they are too small to receive support from big organisations or from governments; and sometimes their questioning of established interests makes them controversial in their own regions. What makes the projects Het X-Y Actiefonds supports stand out is their critique of the current economic system and the importance they place on putting people and planet before profit.

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