What’s going on in Chile ? – opname/recording

[English below / En español abajo] Het recente infopraatje over wat er momenteel gebeurt in Chile is opgenomen en nu te beluisteren. Het praatje was in het Spaans en is live vertaald naar het Engels. Tijdens het praatje zijn een aantal video’s vertoond, die de sprekers becommentarieren, ze staan hieronder. Wil je een donatie doen? Het team […]

Rojava Everywhere

On February 23rd the comrades from the Internationalist Commune of Rojava and Make Rojava Green Again campaign will come to The Barricade to talk about the current situation in Rojava, the role of internationalists in this revolution and the campaigns they’ve launched in the past years (Make Rojava Green Again, Women Defend Rojava and Riseup4Rojava). For the […]

Barriversary #3 – Striving for Autonomy

The Barricade is celebrating its third birthday! With what was a pile of dusty boxes of books, we’ve made a library with more than 300 members. Of what would have been discarded veggies ready to become trash, we make every week a free dinner for almost 100 people. And it is not just a free […]

Tamio Solidarity Fund – info talks in The Hague, Amsterdam and Nijmegen

The “Solidarity fund for imprisoned and persecuted militants” (Ταμείο) from Greece was established in 2010. Since the start of Tamio solidarity fund, the most important purpose of this structure was to ensure decent living conditions for the imprisoned comrades, through a process that would take place within the political movement; thereby taking the material dimension […]

[Amsterdam] Info-avonden over nieuwe Wet handhaving kraakverbod

Kom naar een van de info-avonden over de nieuwe Wet handhaving kraakverbod! 3 september: Molli, Van Ostadestraat 55hs, Amsterdam13 september: Vrankrijk, Spuistraat 216, Amsterdam23 september: Joe’s Garage, Pretoriusstraat 43, Amsterdam Zie voor meer informate over deze wet: https://www.internetconsultatie.nl/kraakverbod

[Nijmegen] Political infocafe during DIYFest

Infostands, talks, workshops and vegan food on the second day of DIYfest 2019. With a concert of Sharp Knives and Valinor. There’s the walk-in political info café in the Klinker (same building, different address) on Saturday, with info on Ende Gelände, and Sharp Knives (PORTUGAL) and Valinor (SPAIN) will play their music. There’s a DIY Bike […]