Remember Revolution ! Remember Omar Aziz ! Amsterdam 16 february @ anarchist library-Bollox

This February 16th, the 12 anniversary of his death from the brutal prisons of the Assad regime.Omar Aziz was a anarchist and a in portend organizer in the popular uprising against the brutal Assad dictatorship in Syria. We will show some short documentrys abbout the uprsing in Syria, and ashort talk about the live and […]

[Amsterdam] Benefit for Russian anarchists and anti fascists

more info Rupression. Sunday 7th of April EARLY START, at 24:00 closed !5 euro donation 17:00 door open17:30 Info talk from Russian comrades about the repression of the anarchist and anti-fascist movement in Russia today 18:00 Docu “the Network” (2019/English subtitles) about the Russian state frame up of anarchists and anti-fascists. 19:00 Vegan Dinner (5 […]

Tentoonstelling Chris Lebeau (1878-1945) Kunstenaar en anarchist

Chris Lebeau was kunstenaar en anarchist. Maar kan men spreken van een anarchistisch kunstenaar? Deze vraag komt aan de orde in de tentoonstelling over deze veelzijdige kunstenaar in. het Museum Willem van Haren in Heerenveen. Een expositie die mede georganiseerd is door het Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis museum, dat symbiotisch is ondergebracht in het Heerenveense museum. […]