Projekt A- A journey to anarchist projects in Europe

BolloxEerste Schinkel­straat 14-16

Projekt A- A journey to anarchist projects in Europe

Docu: Projekt A- A journey to anarchist projects in Europe (2016)
Talk: with protagonist Hanna Poddig
Here is the trailer:
Talk wil be in english and the movie have english subtitles

It starts at 20:00

About Projekt A:
Projekt A is a documentary about the political idea of anarchism and its concrete implementation in very different projects. During a very exciting trip all around Europe, the documentarists Marcel Seehuber & Moritz Springer are visting, among other locations, the “International anarchistic meeting” in St. Imier, Switzerland (more than 3,000 participnats), the anti-nuclear power activist Hanna Poddig, the anarcho-syndicalist labor union “Confederacion General del Trabajo” in Barcelona, the Cooperativa Integral Catalana, the occupied parking lot “Parko Narvarinou in Athens, which is now used as a public park, and the very successful “Kartoffelkombinat” from Munich. Protagonists of a very multifarious, anarchy-inspired movement will speak out.
The documentary shows what anarchism really is, beyond the stereotypes of stone-throwing rioters. The anarchists appearing in this documentary want to work for a constructive, to the most part emancipated from the state, development of society and the ways we live together.

Entrance free, but donations welcome:)

Anarchistische Groep Amsterdam

Vrije Bond

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