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Samen solidair!
Woensdag 1 mei, Dag van de Arbeiders, gaan werkende mensen over de hele wereld de straat op om de arbeidersklasse in al haar diversiteit te vieren. Ook in Nijmegen gaan we de straat op om de arbeidersklasse en haar potentieel om de wereld te veranderen, te vieren. We herdenken de moedige voorvechters van arbeidsrechten uit het verleden, maar staan ook stil bij de bedreigingen waarme we vandaag de dag worden geconfronteerd. Of het nu gaat om de rechtse en extreemrechtse politici in Den Haag, of reactionaire Katholieken in Nijmegen: het lukt ze steeds beter om mensen te verdelen met hun racistische, seksistsiche, LHBT+-fobe bagger. Daarom laten wij op 1 mei een krachtig tegengeluid horen tegen alle vormen van uitbuiting, discriminatie en repressie. We laten zien dat onze solidariteit sterker is dan hun opgelegde verdeeldheid – samen kunnen we de wereld veranderen!
Kom jij ook naar de Nijmeegse 1 mei-demonstratie?
Woensdag 1 mei, 18.00 uur, Stationsplein

Together in solidarity!
Wednesday May 1, International Workers’ Day, working people all over the world will take to the streets to celebrate the working class in all its diversity. In Nijmegen as well we will take the streets to celebrate the working class and its potential to change the world. We will commemorate the brave advocates of workers’ rights in the past, but reflect on the threats we are confronted with today, as well. Whether its right-wing and far-right politicians in The Hague, or reactionary Catholics in Nijmegen: they are more and more successful in dividing people with their racist, sexist and LGBT+ phobic shit. That’s why, May 1, we will powerfully make our voice heard against all forms of exploitation, discrimination and repression. We will show that our solidarity is stronger than their imposed divisions – together, we can change the world!
Will you join Nijmegen Workers’ Day demonstration?
Wednesday May 1, 6 Pm, Central Train Station
Birlikte omuz omuza!
Carsamba gunu 1 Mayis Isci Bayraminda butun emekciler olarak isci sinifin sonmeyen devrimci atesini sokaklara tasiyacagiz. Yanliz isci sinifinin gecmis onderlerini anmakla kalmayip hepimizi etkileyen gunumuzun sosyoekonomik sorunlarina da deginecegiz. Lahey’deki sagci siyasiler yada sehrimizdeki Katolik gericiler bolucu soylevleriyle gittikce gucleniyorlar. Bu sebeple 1 Mayis’ta somurunun her turlusune karsi tek ses ve omuz omuza olalim.
Sende Nijmegen Isci Bayrami Eylemi’nde bizimle misin?
Çarşamba 1 Mayıs, 18:00, Stationsplein