
Flyer action: Not everyone travels voluntarily. Close the deportation prison Rotterdam / The Hague airport

Today antifascists were handing out flyers inside and in front of the door of Rotterdam / the Hague airport against the deportation prison that is located next to the runway. You can read the text of the flyer below:

Not everyone travels voluntarily. Close the deportation prison Rotterdam/The Hague airport

While you travel from this airport hundreds of migrants are being held prisoner in a deportation prison next to the airport’s runway. Just because they do not possess the correct papers. The conditions are bad. No healthcare, no rights, almost no pass-time and bad food.

If undocumented migrants are caught they can be locked up for up to 18 months in prison. If they face fines they are unable to pay them, as the state does not allow them to work. If the state does not manage to deport them they are kicked out onto the street with nowhere to go, no rights and no healthcare. Until they are stopped by the police again, after which they face another 18 months in prison. This process can repeat itself indefinitely, refugees can spend years in prison for simply seeking a better life. The deportation prison is a tool of the state to dehumanise people and to deport them against their will back to poverty, war and oppression.

We deem it unacceptable that people are branded as illegal. The state tries to hush and hide its inhuman policies. Let’s brake the silence! Spread the text on social media under #stopdeportation.
Mail the airports and airline companies facilitating deportations like KLM or contact them on Twitter:

Airline company: @KLM
Deportation prison: @Detentiecentru1
Ministry of ‘Security and Justice’: @ministerieJenV

We demand the immediate closure of all the deportation prisons. Freedom of movement for all!

Bron: AFA Den Haag

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