[Den Haag] Demonstratie: Abolish Frontex!


Demonstratie: Abolish Frontex!

On the 9th of June at 14.00 we will come together, raise our voices and demand the abolishment of Frontex during a demonstration at Het Huis van Europa (Korte Vijverberg 5) in The Hague.

Abolish Frontex

Frontex is the European Union’s border agency and is a key actor in enforcing the EU’s border regime. It is responsible for systemic human rights violations through its operations; involvement in deportations; cooperation with third countries, and role in strengthening EU borders . The EU’s border policies are inherently racist and reinforce colonial and capitalist power structures. It’s time to abolish Frontex and the system it represents.

Frontex’s budget has grown by over 7 560% since 2005, with €5.6 billion being reserved for the agency from 2021- 2027. Frontex has been recruiting an army of border guards who can own and use handguns, and aims to have 10,000 guards by 2027. The agency can now buy its own equipment – such as ships, helicopters and drones – benefiting the arms, security and surveillance companies that have been so influential in shaping the EU’s border and defence policies through lobbying.

We are calling for Frontex to be abolished. Our aim is not to reform or improve Frontex, or to replace it with more of the same. But rather to target the policies and system that keeps Frontex in place. We are working towards the dismantling of the border-industrial complex, and the building of a society where people are free to move and live.

On the 9th of June 14.00 at het Huis van Europa we will make our voices be heard. Make sure to be there, bring your comrades and make some noise. It is time to abolish Frontex.

More info to be announced!

Abolish Frontex demonstration
09-06-2021 @ 14:00
Huis van Europa
Korte Vijverberg 5 Den Haag

Stop the War on Migrants
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