Basta! Infoavond ‘Crimmigration and child detention’
Datum: do 04 dec, 2014
Tijd: 19:30 – 22:00
Waar: De Kargadoor, Oudegracht 36, Utrecht
In the course of the last three decades, security and territorial
sovereignty have shaped the discussion over immigration in Europe. The
common Schengen borders are being closed up with fences, extended units of
border guards, and the employment of military technology.
Those who manage to make it alive through Fortress Europe, often find
themselves locked up in detention centers, waiting for their forced
return. These are only a few manifestations of the phenomenon of
crimmigration that shapes policies throughout Europe.
In the Netherlands even families and unaccompanied children are being
systematically detained. In October a new temporary detention center for
families and unaccompanied minors opened next to the detention center
‘Kamp Zeist’.
The new prison is promoted as the humanitarian solution to the
long-standing international criticism against the detention of minor
children. But, a ?child-friendly? prison is still prison and deportation
is still deportation.
Join us for an informative evening and a lively discussion organized by
Maro Ghini, researcher at Leiden University, will talk about the
securitization and criminalization of immigration in Europe.
Joke Kaviaar, writer and immigration activist, will present the campaign
of the Anarchist Anti-deportation Group Utrecht (AAGU) against the new
detention center and invite us to take a tour with the ?solidarity bus?
from Kamp Zeist to the detention center in Rotterdam/The Hague Airport.
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