Due to the the ongoing corona restrictions and the increasing number of cases, we have decided to postpone the book fair until a date yet to be determined. More information will follow.
In verband met de verdergaande coronarestricties en het stijgende aantal gevallen hebben we besloten de boekenbeurs uit te stellen tot een nader te bepalen datum. Meer informatie volgt.

We are happy to announce that there will be an Anarchist Book Fair Amsterdam in the spring of 2021. The location will be announced later. But it will be in Amsterdam and it definitely will be anarchist!
Even though the past year has stood in the shadow of a global pandemic and other horrifying developments, we’ve also seen a resurgence of resistance and struggle. We want to use the Anarchist Book Fair Amsterdam to give a platform to these struggles, learn from them and help them grow.
We’re glad that we were able to organize something in November 2020. And also amazed to see how many people wanted to come, act responsibly at the event and all the support that we’ve gotten. But it still felt different, obviously. That is why we want to try to organize an anarchist book fair in the spring of 2021. We are trying to have it at an outside location so we can be with a bit more people, while still acting in a responsible way during this pandemic.
The 2021 spring edition book fair will have many stands, an extensive workshop schedule and hopefully much more! Are you, or do you know people that run a distro or want to give a workshop? Please let us know!
We also want to work on ways to make the event more accessible. We are still working on this, but a more thorough announcement about this will follow. If you want to help us with the accessibility in any way, please let us know.