[Amsterdam] Dutch Film Premiere: Documentary Hamburger Gitter

OT301Overtoom 301

[Amsterdam] Dutch Film Premiere: Documentary Hamburger Gitter


Doors open: 14:30
Start Movie Screening: 15.00 (German+ English subtitles)
Break: 16.20
Discussion: 16.45- 18.00
Entry: Suggested donation of 5€


Cinema of the Dam’d
Overtoom 301

Donations will go to cover legal costs of various political activists from the Netherlands.

We invite you to an afternoon movie screening and discussion.

Taking the documentary ‘Hamburger Gitter’ and the events around the G20 as a point of departure, this event will provide a space to discuss the increasing police and state repression against political activism in the Netherlands. A selection of speakers with activist and academic background will talk about the imprisonment and protest right infringement of several Dutch activists in the context of the G20. Moreover, we will have a look at more recent examples of political repression within the borders of the Netherlands, the risk of changing police laws in the new future and how to go forward from here.

Beyond more formal discussions the evening will be the first occasion to publicly celebrate the successful appeal against the decision of German State to prevent 2 activist buses from crossing the Dutch-German border during the G20.

Film Synopsis:

Hamburg, July 2017. 20 heads of states, 31.000 police men and more than a 100.000 protesters- the city is in a state of exception. More than a year after the G20 summit, which was accompanied by a series of fierce protests, the police continues to search for hundreds of suspects feeding into a creeping wave of criminalisation of particularly left-wing political activists in Germany and beyond.

Interviewing 17 representatives from the German political scene, media, academia, justice and the police the documentary ‘Hamburger Gitter’ assesses the current security politics, protest culture and threats to protest rights in Germany. Presenting the G20 as an example of modern day policing the documentary interrogates the question: Have we entered a new era of securitisation and political policing?

Language disclaimer: **The movie will be in German with English subtitles. The discussion part of the evening will be in Dutch. However, English translation will be provided throughout the evening.**

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